Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Full time

Well I am back to full time work. Summer is officially over. :( Today was our first faculty meeting, it lasted four hours! I had some time to reflect.... a year ago I was just starting my first year of teaching. Oh, I was so excited, nervous, anxious, apprehensive, and so unsure of myself. Looking back I am glad that I don't have to repeat my first year. That first year is brutal, intense, and exciting all at once. I am looking forward to a new year, with those first year experiences behind me and innovative ideas in front. I love having control of my own classroom and creating my own lesson plans. Here is to a fresh start! :)


April said...

it is all about control isn't it Tisha?

Joette is teaching for the first year too- she is teaching french and found a book called "How to teach wicked French- not your mother's french workbook" She said it is so funny- anyway so good luck with your freshness of a start. I bet your students love you.

April said...

I know it is your second year of teaching- my last post sounded like I thought it was your first-
we all know you are already a professional teacher of the year quality-

Tara said...

Good luck, Tisha! You are such a saint (and very brave) to teach teenagers...

I definitely could not do it! Hats off to you!

Tiffani said...

I will have to get use to you working again. I hope this year is a great one!