Saturday, August 16, 2008

So long sweet SUMMER

David and I have had a fun and relaxing summer (biking, swimming, game nights, movies, visiting family, and camping) . And now it is almost over. :( David is now working two jobs. He is working at the Bronco Bookstore and for my brother - in - law. It keeps him really busy. I am gearing up for school. I worked registration last week and- Wow there are a lot of 8th graders coming in (330). As school gets closer I have more and more dreams/nightmares about school. It is always along the lines that the students don't listen to me. Lol. I am looking forward to a less stressful school year! This year being my second and I have no wedding plans to fret about! I really lucked out with my school. I have an amazing principal who is kind and reasonable, and great faculty to work with! I start full time on Wednesday. So I have just a few days left to enjoy my summer. So long sweet summer! (Thanks Dawn for inspiring this post! :)


Tara said...

Glad to hear you guys had a great summer! Our first summer together, Niels and I had a great time... neither of us had jobs for about 6 weeks and it was heaven! So much fun.

Hopefully your 'dreams' about school starting come true and your 'nightmares' dont! I still have strange dreams about going to school unprepared. Eek!

Momza said...

YEA! Thanks for the updates! It seems so un-natural to not see you guys at least twice a week!
We will hold good thoughts for both of you as you go back to school!
Our 1st day back to school went smoothly--no nightmares at all. Arianna's kitty "Isabel" has helped her face 2nd grade with courage and Joseph really admires his 3rd grade teacher alot already.
Dara & Nana are still "deciding" if they are happy to be back at school--I'll keep you posted!
Anyway, it was a busy summer for all of us, wasn't it?!
Hugs to both of you!

Braydan and Jessica said...

I can't believe summer is almost over!! Where has all your updates been of all your fun activities???? Slacker missy. Did you see Chris Moralez in this month's Ensign? Brought back good memories. Good luck this week with your first week of school!!

Tonya said...

Good luck with school & work you guys!

Tami said...

Oh where did the summer go?? Good luck with your new 8th graders this year! Are you coaching b-ball again?